Aubrey's Donors Donors
2023 Dream Gala Youth Ambassadors

Let's create a world without T1D!

Hello I’m Aubrey Rawlings and I have been living with type 1 diabetes for 10 years. I’m so excited and thankful to announce that I have been selected this year as a Youth Ambassador for the 2023 JDRF Gala! This will be my first Gala and I couldn’t be more excited! I’m fundraising for JDRF because I believe in their vision of a world without type 1 diabetes. Money raised for JDRF goes directly to research that will help find a cure. I’m headed off to college in the fall and I am more comfortable going off to school with the tools we have today thanks to the research that’s been done.

 When you have T1D, your body stops producing insulin—a hormone essential to turning food into energy. Managing the disease is a constant struggle that involves monitoring your blood-sugar level, administering insulin, and carefully balancing these insulin doses with your eating and activity just to stay alive.

With T1D there are no days off and there is no cure. But there is hope.
Will you join us? Your fundraising or donation changes lives for people withT1D, but simply donating to the 2023 JDRF Gala isn’t enough and you wish to do more consider attending the Gala on May 6, 2023. So the question is will you donate today?

Thank you!


My Activity for a Cause

Aubrey's Donors Donors

2023 Dream Gala Youth Ambassadors